Advanced Penetration Testing

Advanced Penetration Testing training Institute in Ahmedabad, Gujarat If you are interested taking Advanced Penetration Testing then get in touch using the contact us or use the phone numbers to contact us.

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Advanced Penetration Testing Course Overview

As technology advances, so do the threats to our systems. In order to stay ahead of the curve, we need to be constantly upgrading our skills and learning new techniques. That’s why the IONX Institute offers advanced penetration testing training in Ahmedabad, India and also provide Online Training in world. in this course we will explore the benefits of advanced penetration testing training and how it can help you stay ahead of the curve. The Advanced Penetration Testing is an all-embracing course that expertly explains to optimize Kali Linux and its powerful tools for advanced wired and wireless networks.

Advanced Penetration Testing

As technology advances, so do the threats to our systems. In order to stay ahead of the curve, we need to be constantly upgrading our skills and learning new techniques. That’s why the IONX Institute offers advanced penetration testing training in Ahmedabad, India and also provide Online Training in world. in this course we will explore the benefits of advanced penetration testing training and how it can help you stay ahead of the curve. The Advanced Penetration Testing is an all-embracing course that expertly explains to optimize Kali Linux and its powerful tools for advanced wired and wireless networks. The course focuses to demonstrate advanced techniques to perform penetration testing. You learn to use Metasploit Framework and practices used in exploiting Windows. Vulnerability scanning forms an integral part of this comprehensive training and demonstrates how a system is targeted and exploited. The training also empowers you with detailed understanding of diverse post-exploitation techniques and modernistic techniques to evade antivirus while understanding the customization of attacks.

The course focuses to demonstrate advanced techniques to perform penetration testing. You learn to use Metasploit Framework and practices used in exploiting Windows. Vulnerability scanning forms an integral part of this comprehensive training and demonstrates how a system is targeted and exploited. The training also empowers you with detailed understanding of diverse post-exploitation techniques and modernistic techniques to evade antivirus while understanding the customization of attacks.

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₹39000/- | $550/- Duration: 150 Days

[Note: Prices displayed are after Discount and includes GST]
Advanced Penetration Testing Brochure

Fundamental of Redhat Linux, kali linux, parrot OS
Ethical Hacking Training
WAPT - Web Application Penetration Testing
NAPT - Netwok Vulnerability Pentrartion testing
vAPI - Vulnerable Adversely Programmed Interface

Detailed Syllabus of for Advanced Penetration Testing Course

  • Managing physical storage
  • Install and configure software components and services
  • Establish network connections and control firewall restrictions
  • Monitor and manage running processes
  • Manage and secure files and file systems
  • Administer users and groups
  • Review the system log files and journal for issues
  • Troubleshoot problems and analyze systems with Red Hat Insight
  • Introduction
  • Building a LAB: Concepts
  • Building a LAB: Networking
  • Deploy a Kali Linux VM
  • Adding Metasploitable to Your Lab
  • Adding Windows to Your Lab
  • Configure a Static IP on Kali
  • Windows Evaluations
  • Deploy Windows 8.1
  • Deploy Windows 2012
  • Deploy Windows 10
  • Deploy Windows 2016
  • Ethics and Hacking
  • Hacking Vocabulary
  • InfoSec Concepts
  • Attack Categories, Types, and Vectors
  • 5 Phases of Hacking
  • Footprinting and Reconnaissance Concepts
  • Search Engine Tools
  • Hacking using Google
  • Website Recon Tools
  • Metagoofil Metadata Tool
  • Email Headers for Footprinting
  • Using WHOIS for Recon
  • DNS Tools
  • Network Scanning Overview
  • Network Scanning Methodology
  • Port Discovery
  • Network Scanning Tools
  • Stealth Idle Scanning
  • OS and Application Fingerprinting
  • Vulnerability Scanning
  • Network Mapping Tools
  • Proxy Servers
  • Using Public Proxy Services
  • Enumeration Concepts
  • NetBIOS Enumeration
  • SNMP Enumeration Concepts
  • SNMP Enumeration Tools
  • LDAP Enumeration Concepts
  • LDAP Enumeration Example
  • NTP Enumeration
  • SMTP Enumeration
  • System Hacking Overview
  • Password Cracking Concepts
  • Password Attack Example: MITM and Sniffing
  • Rainbow Crack Lab Setup
  • Rainbow Crack Demonstration
  • Password Reset Hacking
  • DHCP Starvation
  • Remote Access
  • Spyware
  • NTFS Alternate Data Streams Exploit
  • Steganography with OpenPuff
  • Steganography with SNOW
  • Covering Tracks
  • Malware Overview
  • Trojan Overview
  • Creating a Trojan
  • Virus Overview
  • Virus Creation
  • Detecting Malware
  • Malware Analysis
  • Hash File Verification
  • Sniffing Overview
  • CAM Table Attack and Port Security
  • DHCP Snooping
  • Dynamic ARP Inspection
  • Social Engineering
  • Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks
  • Session Hijacking
  • Hacking Web Servers
  • Buffer Overflow
  • OWASP Broken Web Application Project
  • Shell shock
  • SQL Introduction
  • SQL Injection
  • Web App Vulnerabilities: WordPress
  • Wireless Hacking
  • Using an Android VM
  • Malware for Mobile
  • Mobile Device Risks and Best Practices
  • Firewall Evasion
  • Firewall ACL Example
  • NAT and PAT fundamentals
  • IDS/IPS Evasion
  • Honeypots
  • Cloud Computing
  • CIA: Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability
  • Policies
  • Quantifying Risk
  • Separation of Duties
  • Symmetrical Encryption Concepts
  • Asymmetrical Encryption Concepts
  • Control Types
  • Multi-factor Authentication
  • Centralized Identity Management
  • Kerberos and Single Sign On (SSO)
  • Backups and Media Management
  • Operations Security Controls
  • Physical Security Controls
  • Incident Response
  • VPN
  • Disaster Recovery Planning
  • Pen Testing Tips
    • OWASP Top 10 Vulnerabilities
    • Threat Modelling Principle
    • Site Mapping & Web Crawling
    • Server & Application Fingerprinting
    • Identifying the entry points
    • Page enumeration and brute forcing
    • Looking for leftovers and backup files

    Authentication vulnerabilities

    • Authentication scenarios
    • User enumeration
    • Guessing passwords – Brute force & Dictionary attacks
    • Default users/passwords
    • Weak password policy
    • Direct page requests
    • Parameter modification
    • Password flaws
    • Locking out users
    • Lack of SSL at login pages
    • Bypassing weak CAPTCHA mechanisms
    • Login without SSL

    Authorization vulnerabilities

    • Role-based access control (RBAC)
    • Authorization bypassing
    • Forceful browsing
    • Client-side validation attacks
    • Insecure direct object reference


    Improper Input Validation & Injection vulnerabilities

    • Input validation techniques
    • Blacklist VS. Whitelist input validation bypassing
    • Encoding attacks
    • Directory traversal
    • Command injection
    • Code injection
    • Log injection
    • XML injection – XPath Injection | Malicious files | XML Entity
    • bomb
    • LDAP Injection
    • SQL injection
    • Common implementation mistakes – authentication
    • Bypassing using SQL Injection
    • Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
    • Reflected VS. Stored XSS
    • Special chars – ‘ & < >, empty

    Insecure file handling

    • Path traversal
    • Canonicalization
    • Uploaded files backdoors
    • Insecure file extension handling
    • Directory listing
    • File size
    • File type
    • Malware upload


    Session & browser manipulation attacks

    • Session management techniques
    • Cookie based session management
    • Cookie properties
    • Cookies – secrets in cookies, tampering
    • Exposed session variables
    • Missing Attributes – httpOnly, secure
    • Session validity after logoff
    • Long session timeout
    • Session keep alive – enable/disable
    • Session id rotation
    • Session Fixation
    • Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) – URL Encoding
    • Open redirect

    Information leak

    • Web Services Assessment
    • Web Service Testing
    • OWASP Web Service Specific Testing
    • Testing WSDL
    • Sql Injection to Root
    • LFI and RFI]
    • OWASP Top 10 Revamp

    • TCP/IP Packet Analysis
    • Overview of Network Security
    • Port and Protocols & Analysis
    • Linux Server Installation
    • Windows Client / Linux Installation
    • Basic commands (Windows / Linux)
    • Kali Linux Installation


    • Introduction
    • ICMP Packet Analysis
    • ARP Packet Analysis
    • 3 way handshake Analysis
    • Tracert Command Analysis
    • Packet Forensics
    • Nmap Packet Forensics

    NMAP Basics

    • Network Sweeping
    • OS Discovery
    • SYN Scan
    • UDP Scan
    • XMAS Scan
    • FIN Scan
    • NULL Scan

    Nmap Firewall Scan

    • Fragment Scan
    • Data Length Scan
    • TTL Scan
    • Source Port Scan
    • Decoy Scan
    • Spoof IP Scan
    • Spoof MAC Scan
    • Data String Scan
    • Hex String Scan
    • IP Options Scan


    • Metasploit Basic
    • Msfvenom
    • Auxiliary scanner
    • Windows Reverse TCP
    • Windows HTTPS Tunnel
    • Hidden Bind TCP
    • Macro Payloads
    • Shell on the Fly (Transport)
    • Bypass User Access Control
    • Pass the Hash
    • Post Exploitation

    Dictionary & Passwords Attacks

    • Hydra
    • Medussa
    • Crunch
    • CeWL
    • WCE
    • Mimikatz
    • cUPP
    • Online attacks

    FTP Penetration Testing (Port 21)

    • Introduction & Lab setup
    • Banner Grabbing/Banner Hiding
    • Port forwarding /Time Scheduling
    • Brute forcing/Secure
    • Pivoting/Tunneling [windows]

    SSH Penetration Testing (Port 22)

    • Introduction & Lab setup
    • Banner Grabbing/Banner Hiding
    • Port forwarding /Time Scheduling
    • Brute forcing/Secure
    • Pivoting/Tunneling
    • Multiple way to secure ssh


    Telnet Penetration Testing (Port 23)

    • Introduction & Lab setup
    • Banner Grabbing/Banner Hiding
    • Port forwarding /Time Scheduling
    • Brute forcing/Secure
    • Pivoting/Tunneling

    SMTP Penetration Testing (Port 25)

    • Introduction & Lab setup
    • Banner Grabbing/Banner Hiding
    • Port forwarding /Time Scheduling
    • Brute forcing/Secure
    • Penetration testing with SWAKS

    DNS & DHCP Penetration Testing (Port 53, 67, 68)

    • Introduction & Lab setup
    • DNS Enumeration
    • DHCP Packet Analysis with Wireshark
    • DHCP Starvation attack
    • Rogue DHCP Server
    • Tools (Gobbler, responder, Yersinia)

    NetBIOS & SMB Penetration Testing (Port 135-445)

    • Introduction & Lab setup
    • SMB Enumeration
    • SMB Null Sessions
    • Enum4Linux
    • NetBIOS Spoofing
    • Banner Grabbing/Banner Hiding
    • Brute forcing/Secure
    • Pivoting/Tunneling
    • Penetration Testing with (PS exec, eternal blue )
    • Multiple way to connect smb

    SNMP Penetration Testing (Port 161, 162)

    • Introduction & Lab setup
    • Banner Grabbing/Banner Hiding
    • Port forwarding /Time Scheduling
    • Brute forcing/Secure
    • Penetration Testing with Metasploit and Nmap

    MSSQL Penetration Testing (Port 1433)

    • MSSQL Brute force Attack
    • Enumerate MSSQL configuration setting
    • Identifying SQL Server logins
    • Identify Database owner
    • Identify a User With masquerade privilege
    • Execute SQL Statement
    • Retrieve MSSQL Password Hashes of Users
    • Decode Password Hashes of Users
    • Extracting MYSQL Schema Information

    MySQL Penetration Testing (Port 3306)

    • Introduction and Lab setup
    • MYSQL Brute Force Attack
    • mysql banner user/file/ Enumeration
    • Stealing MYSQL information
    • Check File Privileges
    • Enumerate MYSQL writeable directories
    • Extract MYSQL Username with Hash Password
    • Crack Hash Password with John the Ripper
    • Secure MYSQL through port forwarding
    • Prevent Mysql against brute force attack

    Remote Desktop Penetration Testing (Port 3389)

    • Introduction & Lab setup
    • Banner Grabbing/Banner Hiding
    • Port forwarding /Time Scheduling
    • Brute forcing/Secure
    • Pivoting/Tunneling
    • DOS Attack

    VNC Penetration Testing (Port 5900, 5901)

    • Introduction & Lab setup
    • Banner Grabbing/Banner Hiding
    • Port forwarding /Time Scheduling
    • Brute forcing/Secure
    • Penetration Testing with Metasploit and Nmap
    • Pivoting/Tunneling

    Sniffing & Spoofing

    • Introduction
    • ARP Poisoning
    • MAC Address Snooping
    • DNS Spoofing
    • DNS Poisoning
    • Capture NTLM Hashes
    • Xerosploit

    Socks Proxy Penetration Testing

    • Socks proxy lab setup
    • SSH
    • FTP
    • HTTP

    IDS, Firewall, Honeypots

    • Setup Snort Lab in Ubuntu
    • Understanding Snort Rules
    • Introduction to IPtables
    • Introduction to Windows Firewall
    • ICMP Detect
    • TCP Packet Detect
    • Detect Nmap Scan
    • Detect Dos Attack
    • Antivirus Evasion with veil

    DOS Attack Penetration Testing

    • Introduction to DOS Attack
    • Botnet
    • D-DOS Attack
    • SYN Flood Attack
    • UDP Flood
    • Smurf Attack
    • Packet Crafting
    • Others DOS Attack Tools

    Social Engineering Attack

    • Introduction to Social Engineering Attack
    • Payload and Listener Attack
    • Java Applet Attack
    • HTA Attack
    • MSFPC
    • DOS Attack
    • PowerShell Attack Vector
    • VNC Attack

    Covering Tracks & Maintaining access

    • Persistence
    • s4u_persistence
    • VSS_Persistence
    • Registry Persistence
    • Netcat
    • Clear Event Logs

    Network Vulnerability Assessment Tool

    • Nessus
    • GFI Languard
    • Nexpose
    • Openvas
    • MBSA

    This Course your knowledge and skills related to implementing core enterprise network technologies, including:
  • Intelligence Gathering
  • Scanning and Enumeration
  • What is hashing?
  • Scripting
  • Exploitation
  • The Metasploit Framework
  • Post -Exploitation
  • Wireless Exploitation and Wireless auditing
  • Web Application Penetration Testing
  • Data Collection,Evidence Management, and Reporting
  • Job Assistance program

    Your intent to master next level skills are appreciated


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    Career Course

    Frequently Asked Questions


  • Advanced penetration testing is a simulated cyber security testing to check for exploitable vulnerabilities in a system. Pen testing may involve attempted breaching of application systems or front-end/back-end servers to uncover vulnerabilities, such as sanitized inputs that are susceptible to code injection attacks.
  • Disadvantages of penetration testing include potentially causing costly losses of sensitive information, encouraging hackers, or exposing your network to cybercriminals. Before implementing penetration testing, you'll need to determine if it seems like an ethical and reliable enough tactic for your organization.
  • Salary. Starting salaries for graduate or junior penetration testers typically fall between £20,000 and £30,000. With experience you can earn between £40,000 and £65,000, rising to £70,000 for senior and team leader roles. However, this figure can be significantly higher depending on the industry you work in.
  • [RELATED] Should You Become a Cyber Security Engineer? >> Penetration testing is typically tailored to the individual organization and the industry it operates in; some industries, such as health care and banking, rely on pen testing to maintain compliance with industry security standards.