
Javascript training Institute in Ahmedabad, Gujarat If you are interested taking Javascript then get in touch using the contact us or use the phone numbers to contact us.

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Javascript Course Overview

The IONX is Globally Recognised as the Market Leader in providing JavaScript Training to professionals and individuals worldwide. Our 'Programming Expert Team' comprises over 34 leading professionals with 15 years of industry-recognised experience in creating interactive web pages. Our specialised instructors have developed unique teaching styles to help aspiring candidates gain the ability to program interactive websites with JavaScript.

JavaScript Training Course in Ahmedabad Gujarat

" The JavaScript programming language is a fundamental building block of the internet, and is an essential tool to have in your web development toolkit. This online JavaScript training course can help you use JavaScript in conjunction with HTML and CSS to add interactive, dynamic elements to your web pages."

Designed for beginners, no prior experience or special skills are required to take this course. You will learn the basics of JavaScript for front end web development through hands-on application and examples every step of the way. By the end of the course, you will have built a fully functional flashcard app to demonstrate your practical knowledge.

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₹20000/- | $350/- Duration: 90 Days

[Note: Prices displayed are after Discount and includes GST]

JavaScript Brochure

Syllabus of Javascript Course in Ahmedabad

  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Introduction to Scripting
  • JavaScript Characteristics
  • JavaScript and Common Programming Concepts
  • JavaScript Flavors and Versions
  • Technologies Based on JavaScript
  • Server-Side vs. Client-Side Applications
  • Annotating Your Code with Comments
  • Expanding the Role of JavaScript

    Working with Variables and Data in JavaScript
  • Using JavaScript to Communicate with the User
  • Using Data More Than Once: Variables
  • JavaScript Operators
  • JavaScript Expressions
  • JavaScript Alerts and Prompts
  • Inline Scripting, Simple User Events and Basic Event Handlers
  • JavaScript Keywords and Reserved Words

    Functions, Methods and Events in JavaScript
  • Introduction to Functions
  • Defining a Function
  • Calling a Function
  • Methods as Functions
  • Types of Functions
  • User Events and JavaScript Event Handlers

    Debugging and Troubleshooting JavaScript
  • What Is Debugging?
  • Tools for Debugging Code
  • Testing Code in Various Browsers
  • Debugging Logic Errors
  • JavaScript and Mobile Devices

    Controlling Program Flow in JavaScript
  • Controlling Decisional Program Flow
  • The if...else Statement
  • The while Statement
  • The do...while Statement
  • The for Statement
  • The break Statement
  • The continue Statement
  • The switch Statement

    The JavaScript Document Object Model (DOM)
  • The JavaScript Document Object Model (DOM)
  • The window Object
  • The document Object
  • The image Object
  • The history Object
  • The location Object
  • The navigator Object
  • The Virtual DOM

    JavaScript Language Objects
  • Introduction to JavaScript Language Objects
  • The String Object
  • Evaluating Strings
  • JavaScript Regular Expressions
  • The Array Object
  • The forEach Method
  • The Map Method
  • The Date Object
  • Setting and Extracting Time Information
  • The Math Object

    Custom JavaScript Objects
  • Creating Custom Objects
  • Creating a JavaScript Object: The Constructor
  • Creating an Instance of a Custom Object
  • Creating Object Methods
  • Creating Functions for Your Objects
  • Concept of Classes
  • Iterators and Generators
  • Call, apply and bind

    Changing HTML on the Fly
  • Changing HTML on the Fly
  • Using the getElementById Method
  • Using the getElementsByName Method
  • Using the getElementsByTagName Method
  • Using the getElementsByClassName Method
  • Modifying Attributes within the DOM
  • Appending Text to the DOM

    File Handling
  • Create,Delete File
  • Update File Content
  • File Upload

    Developing Interactive Forms with JavaScript
  • Interactive Forms
  • Overview of Form Elements
  • Referring to Form Elements
  • The form Object
  • The input Elements and text Objects
  • The textarea object
  • The select Object
  • Form Validation
  • Common form Security Errors

    JavaScript Security
  • Introduction to JavaScript Security Issues
  • Browser vs. Operating System
  • Browser-Specific Security Issues
  • Browser Compatibility and Client-Side Detection
  • Script Blocking
  • Differences in document.write Among Browsers
  • Malicious and Accidental Coding
  • Frame-to-Frame URL Changing
  • Signed Scripts
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
  • Cookies and Security in JavaScript
  • Ethics in Collecting, Storing, Using and Protecting User Data
  • Creating Secure JavaScript Code

    • JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks
    • Introduction to JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks
    • Choosing a Code Library
    • External and Pre-Made Scripts
    • Loading Your First Library
    • Using JavaScript Library Plug-ins
    • Using Frameworks
    • Best Practices with JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks
    • Copyright Issues and JavaScript

      JavaScript and AJAX
    • Introduction to
    • Handling Data and Content Types
    • Interactions Among JavaScript, Data and HTML
    • Using AJAX Scripts
    • AJAX and Servers
    • AJAX and Databases
    • Usability Issues with AJAX
    • Combining AJAX with Libraries

      Introduction to Web APIs
    • Web Application Programming Interface (API)
    • The Web Storage API
    • The Geolocation API
    • The Canvas API

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Frequently Asked Questions


Sure,you can attend free demo lectures.

Yes, You Can Pay Fees Via EMI.

Yes. On every Saturday and alternate Sunday morning I have batches for developers who want to learn on weekend.

Yes,We will give a Certificate.

Sure we can adjust training session as per your requirement.