Certified Full Stack Developer

Certified Full Stack Developer Training Institute in Ahmedabad If you are interested taking Certified Full Stack Web Developer Course then get in touch using the contact us info@ionxworld.com or use the phone numbers to contact us.

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Certified Full Stack Developer Course Overview

Our certification program is for anyone who wants to become a certified Full Stack Developer. Learners have access to our certificate program without the need for in-class attendance.We are an online educational company that offers courses on the latest trends in evelopment. Our course materials can be accessed 24/7 through the website and all course content is available offline so you can study while travelling or on the go.The journey to becoming a Full Stack Developer is challenging and complex, but if you are up for the task, we're here to help you along the way - with our Certificate Program. It all started when I (the CEO) was looking for a college or university degree that would teach me how to build websites (I didn't want to spend 4 years at a university), but I couldn't find anything like this anywhere. So I took matters into my own hands, put together some material myself, and created Certified Full Stack Developer

Certified Full Stack Developer in Ahmedabad Gujarat

"A career as a Certified Full Stack Developer centers on development. The following are key traits of a successful CWD:Curiosity - A desire to always learn something newPassion - A keen interest in the newest technologies, coupled with the ability to use algorithmic thinking when faced with complicated challengesCreativity - The ability to explore and find new solutions to old problemsPerspective - The capability to understand where we are today and where we could be tomorrow"

Full Stack Developer and Designing is quickly becoming one of the hottest in-demand skills. Take a look through and read up on this article to learn more about the requirements and what an efficient resume should look like.

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₹75000/- | $1600/- Duration: 300 Days

[Note: Prices displayed are after Discount ]
Bootstrap 5
React Essentials
PHP Mysql
JAVA Mysql
Python Essentials
Linux Server Essentials
AWS Solutions Architect - Associate
AWS Certified Developer - Associate Essentials

Detailed Syllabus of Full Stack Web Developer Course

  • History of HTML
  • What is Tag?
  • What is Element?
  • HTML Tag vs. Element
  • What is Attribute?
  • What’s Different in HTML5?
    HTML Editors

    Basic document structure
  • HTML Tag
  • HEAD Tag
  • Title Tag
  • Body Tag
    HTML Heading
    HTML Paragraph
    Adding text in newline(BR Tag)
    Creating a horizontal ruler (HR Tag)
    Changing a Page’s Background Color

    Formatting of text
  • B Tag
  • U Tag
  • I Tag
  • SMALL Tag
  • MARK Tag
  • DEL Tag
  • SUP Tag
  • SUB Tag

    Font Tag & its Attributes

    HTML Comments

    HTML Image
  • Tag
  • Alternative (ALT) Text
  • Resizing an Image

    HTML Link
  • What is Link?
  • Anchor tag
  • Text Link
  • Image Link
  • Opening a Page in a New Tab

  • Order list
  • Unordered list
  • Type Attribute
  • Nested List

    HTML Audio

    HTML Video

    Scrolling Text
  • Marquee ---Marquee Tag &its Attributes

    Grouping of text (Div---Div tag, Span---Span tag)

    HTML Frameset

    HTML Iframe

    Grouping of text (Div---Div tag, Span---Span tag)

    HTML Form

    Form--Form Tag & its Attribute
    Input Tag
    HTML Input Types
  • Type="text"
  • Type="email
  • Type="password"
  • Type="radio"
  • Type="checkbox"
  • Type="file"
  • Type="number"
  • Type="range"
  • Type="date"
  • Type="color"
  • Type="time"
  • The Submit Button
    The Reset Button
    Text area---Text area Tag
    Select---Select Tag
    Option---Option Tag

    Grouping the control of HTML forms
  • Fieldset---Fieldset Tag
  • Legend---Legend Tag

  • What is CSS?
  • Importance of CSS in Web Development
  • Advantages of CSS

    CSS Syntax

    Types of Style sheets
  • External Style sheet
  • Internal Style sheet
  • Inline Style sheet

    CSS Border
  • Border Style
  • Border Width
  • Border Color

    CSS Outline
  • Outline Style
  • Outline Color
  • Outline Width
  • Outline Offset

    CSS Text
  • Text Color
  • Text Alignment
  • TextDecoration
  • Text Transformation
  • Text Indent
  • Letter spacing
  • Word spacing
  • White space
  • Line-height
  • Font-family
  • Font Size
  • Font Style
  • Font Variant
  • Font Weight
  • Shadowing

    CSS Margin
  • Setting margin for each side
  • Setting margin for all sides

    CSS Padding
  • Setting padding for each side
  • Setting padding for all sides

    CSS Box Model
  • What is a box model?
  • Margin
  • Padding
  • Border
  • Outline

    CSS List
  • List Style Type
  • List Style Images
  • List Style Position
  • List Style

    CSS Table
  • Borders
  • Collapsed Borders
  • Table Width and Cell Height
  • Table Color
  • Table Padding
  • Text Align
  • Vertical Align

    CSS Image
  • Opacity
  • Floating Images

    CSS positioning
  • Relative Positioning
  • Absolute Positioning
  • Fixed Positioning
  • Static Positioning

    CSS Layers with Z-Index

    CSS Scrollbars

    CSS Visibility

    CSS Display

    CSS Cursor

    Getting Started with Bootstrap 5
  • Introduction to Bootstrap 5
  • What you will need
  • Hello World
  • Bootstrap 5 Document Structure

    Layouts in Bootstrap
  • Breakpoints in Bootstrap 5
  • Container Types
  • Grids
  • Grids for multiple devices
  • Align Columns in Grid

    Content in Bootstrap 5
  • Typography
  • Images
  • Tables

    Forms in Bootstrap 5
  • Basic Login Form
  • Designing Form Holder with Custom & In-Built CSS
  • Styling Form Fields
  • Form Layout

    components in Bootstrap 5
  • Dismissable Alerts
  • OBadges
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Button & Button Groups
  • Cards
  • Carousels
  • Collapse
  • Dropdown
  • List Group
  • Modals
  • Navs
  • Navbar
  • Pagination
  • Popover
  • progressbar
  • Progressbar snippet
  • Scrollspy


  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Introduction to Scripting
  • JavaScript Characteristics
  • JavaScript and Common Programming Concepts
  • JavaScript Flavors and Versions
  • Technologies Based on JavaScript
  • Server-Side vs. Client-Side Applications
  • Annotating Your Code with Comments
  • Expanding the Role of JavaScript

    Working with Variables and Data in JavaScript
  • Using JavaScript to Communicate with the User
  • Using Data More Than Once: Variables
  • JavaScript Operators
  • JavaScript Expressions
  • JavaScript Alerts and Prompts
  • Inline Scripting, Simple User Events and Basic Event Handlers
  • JavaScript Keywords and Reserved Words

    Functions, Methods and Events in JavaScript
  • Introduction to Functions
  • Defining a Function
  • Calling a Function
  • Methods as Functions
  • Types of Functions
  • User Events and JavaScript Event Handlers

    Debugging and Troubleshooting JavaScript
  • What Is Debugging?
  • Tools for Debugging Code
  • Testing Code in Various Browsers
  • Debugging Logic Errors
  • JavaScript and Mobile Devices

    Controlling Program Flow in JavaScript
  • Controlling Decisional Program Flow
  • The if...else Statement
  • The while Statement
  • The do...while Statement
  • The for Statement
  • The break Statement
  • The continue Statement
  • The switch Statement

    The JavaScript Document Object Model (DOM)
  • The JavaScript Document Object Model (DOM)
  • The window Object
  • The document Object
  • The image Object
  • The history Object
  • The location Object
  • The navigator Object
  • The Virtual DOM

    JavaScript Language Objects
  • Introduction to JavaScript Language Objects
  • The String Object
  • Evaluating Strings
  • JavaScript Regular Expressions
  • The Array Object
  • The forEach Method
  • The Map Method
  • The Date Object
  • Setting and Extracting Time Information
  • The Math Object

    Custom JavaScript Objects
  • Creating Custom Objects
  • Creating a JavaScript Object: The Constructor
  • Creating an Instance of a Custom Object
  • Creating Object Methods
  • Creating Functions for Your Objects
  • Concept of Classes
  • Iterators and Generators
  • Call, apply and bind

    Changing HTML on the Fly
  • Changing HTML on the Fly
  • Using the getElementById Method
  • Using the getElementsByName Method
  • Using the getElementsByTagName Method
  • Using the getElementsByClassName Method
  • Modifying Attributes within the DOM
  • Appending Text to the DOM

    File Handling
  • Create,Delete File
  • Update File Content
  • File Upload

    Developing Interactive Forms with JavaScript
  • Interactive Forms
  • Overview of Form Elements
  • Referring to Form Elements
  • The form Object
  • The input Elements and text Objects
  • The textarea object
  • The select Object
  • Form Validation
  • Common form Security Errors

    JavaScript Security
  • Introduction to JavaScript Security Issues
  • Browser vs. Operating System
  • Browser-Specific Security Issues
  • Browser Compatibility and Client-Side Detection
  • Script Blocking
  • Differences in document.write Among Browsers
  • Malicious and Accidental Coding
  • Frame-to-Frame URL Changing
  • Signed Scripts
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
  • Cookies and Security in JavaScript
  • Ethics in Collecting, Storing, Using and Protecting User Data
  • Creating Secure JavaScript Code

    JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks
  • Introduction to JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks
  • Choosing a Code Library
  • External and Pre-Made Scripts
  • Loading Your First Library
  • Using JavaScript Library Plug-ins
  • Using Frameworks
  • Best Practices with JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks
  • Copyright Issues and JavaScript

    JavaScript and AJAX
  • Introduction to
  • Handling Data and Content Types
  • Interactions Among JavaScript, Data and HTML
  • Using AJAX Scripts
  • AJAX and Servers
  • AJAX and Databases
  • Usability Issues with AJAX
  • Combining AJAX with Libraries

    Introduction to Web APIs
  • Web Application Programming Interface (API)
  • The Web Storage API
  • The Geolocation API
  • The Canvas API

    What is Ajax?
  • Using XMLHttpRequest
  • GET method
  • POST method
  • JSON example
  • Inserting data into City State Example

    Web services
  • Introduction to web service
  • Introduction to JSON
  • Creating web service
  • Consuming web service
  • JSON parsing

  • Introduction of PHP
  • XAMPP Setup
  • Installation of IDE

    • Introduction to PHP
    • Hello World
    • Datatypes and variable declaration
    • Print, comments
    • Operators,Type casting
    • Constant,String

      Control flow in PHP
    • Conditionals
    • Looping
    • Functions

      Arrays in PHP
    • Numerical Array
    • Associative Array
    • foreach loop
    • Multidimensional arrays

      Form Handling in PHP
    • Difference between GET ,POST and Request
    • Building Forms
    • Retrieving submitted data

      Functions in PHP
    • Array functions
    • String functions
    • Date time functions
    • Math Functions
    • FileHandling Function
    • Mysqli Functions

      Reusing Code in PHP
    • Include,include_once
    • require,require_once
    • HTML Template Integration

      Session in PHP
    • Create Session
    • Access & Destroy Session
    • Isset() unset()
    • Login Control Demo

      Cookies in PHP
    • Setting a cookie
    • Accessing cookie
    • Destroying a cookie

      File Handling
    • Create,Delete File
    • Update File Content
    • File Upload

    • Mail() Example
    • PHPMailer Library use

    • Class
    • Object
    • Inheritance
    • Public ,private, protected properties and methods

    • PHPMyAdmin Introduction
    • SQL using MySQL or MariaDB
    • Creating a database
    • Selecting database
    • Creating a table
    • Inserting data into table
    • Show data from table
    • Drop table
    • Drop database
    • Constraints
    • Import Export Database

      Database Connection
    • PHP Mysqli Connection
    • How to Write Query
    • Store Record
    • Fetch Record
    • Edit Record
    • Delete

    • SignUp
    • Login
    • Change Password
    • Forgot Password

      Mini Project
    • Development
    • Deployment
    • Certificate

    • What is python?
    • What can Python do?
    • Features Of Python
    • Installing Python
    • Environment Setup For Python
    • Hello World in python
    • IDLE Tour

      Python Fundamental
    • Print statement
    • What is Variable ?
    • Declaring variables
    • Changing variables values
    • Single line variable declaration
    • Assign same value to multiple variables
    • Comments in Python

      User Input
    • Input / Output Functions
    • Printing on screen
    • Reading data from keyboard
    • Typecasting

      Operators in Python
    • What is Operators?
    • Types of Operators
    • Arithmetic Operators
    • Comparison operators
    • Logical operators
    • Assignment operators
    • Membership Operators
    • Identity Operators

      Program Flow
    • if Statement
    • if...else Statement
    • if...elif...else Statement
    • Nested if statements
    • While Loop Statements
    • For Loop Statements
    • Nested Loops Statements
    • Loop with Else Statement
    • The infinite loop
    • The range() Function
    • Break and Continue Statements

      Python Data Types
    • What is datatype?
    • Types of Datatypes
    • String Manipulation
    • Numbers
    • String
    • List
    • Tuple
    • Dictionary
    • Built-in Functions & Methods

      Arrays in python
    • What is Array?
    • How to create array?
    • Accessing array elements
    • How to slice arrays?
    • Mutable array
    • Concatenate Arrays
    • Different methods of array

      Functions in Python
    • What is Function?
    • How to declare function?
    • Default function
    • Parameterized Function
    • Function with return Statement
    • Function with multiple return Statement
    • Default Arguments
    • Keyword Arguments
    • Variable-length Arguments
    • Keyword Arguments
    • Non Keyword Arguments
    • Local & Global variables Scope
    • Indentation
    • Lambda Functions

      OOP's Concept in Python
    • Basics of OOPs
    • Class in python
    • What is class?
    • How to define class?
    • How to access class members?
    • What is self?
    • Python Constructors
    • Inheritance in Python
    • Types of Inheritance
    • Polymorphism in Python
    • Types of Polymorphism

      Python Module
    • What is Module ?
    • Import Statement
    • OS Module
    • Math Module
    • Random Module
    • NumpyModule
    • MatplotlibModule
    • DateTimeModule
    • JSON Module

      GUI Programming
    • Introduction
    • Tkinter programming
    • Tkinter widgets
    • Various Example

      Exception in Python
    • What is Exception?
    • Built-in Exceptions
    • Try / Except / Else / Finally / Raise Keyword
    • User-Defined Exceptions

      Regular Expression
    • What are regular expressions?
    • The match Function
    • The search Function
    • Matching vs searching
    • Search and Replace
    • Extended Regular Expressions
    • Wildcard

      Database Connectivity
    • Database Installation
    • Database Connectivity
    • Insert Record
    • Fetch Data
    • Update Delete

    • SignUp
    • Login
    • Change Password
    • Forgot Password

      Mini Project
    • Development
    • Deployment
    • Certificate

  • Introduction to the command line
  • Managing physical storage
  • Install and configure software components and services
  • Establish network connections and control firewall restrictions
  • Monitor and manage running processes
  • Manage and secure files and file systems
  • Administer users and groups
  • Review the system log files and journal for issues
  • Troubleshoot problems and analyze systems with Red Hat Insight
  • Module 1: Architecting Fundamentals Review

    • AWS Services and Infrastructure
    • Infrastructure Models
    • AWS API Tools
    • Securing your infrastructure
    • The Well-Architected Framework

    Module 2: Account Security

    • Security Principals
    • Identity and Resource-Based Policies
    • Account Federation
    • Introduction to Managing Multiple Accounts

    Module 3: Networking

    • IP Addressing
    • Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Patterns and Quotas
    • Routing
    • Internet Access
    • Network Access Control Lists (NACLs)
    • Security Groups

    Module 4: Compute

    • Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2)
    • EC2 Instances and Instance Selection
    • High Performance Computing on AWS
    • Lambda and EC2, When to Use Which
    • Hands-On Lab: Build Your Amazon VPC Infrastructure

    Module 5: Storage

    • Shared File Systems
    • Shared EBS Volumes
    • Amazon S3, Security, Versioning and Storage Classes
    • Data Migration Tools

    Module 6: Database Services

    • AWS Database Solutions
    • Amazon Relational Database Services (RDS)
    • DynamoDB, Features and Use Cases
    • Redshift, Features, Use Cases and Comparison with RDS
    • Scaling
    • Caching and Migrating Data
    • Hands-on Lab: Create a Database Layer in Your Amazon VPC Infrastructure

    Module 7: Monitoring and Scaling

    • Monitoring: CloudWatch, CloudTrail, and VPC Flow Logs
    • Invoking Events
    • Elastic Load Balancing
    • Auto Scaling Options and Monitoring Cost
    • Hands-on Lab: Configure High Availability in Your Amazon VPC

    Module 8: Automation

    • CloudFormation
    • AWS Systems Manager

    Module 9: Containers

    • Microservices
    • Monitoring Microservices with X-Ray
    • Containers

    Module 10: Networking Part 2

    • VPC Peering & Endpoints
    • Transit Gateway
    • Hybrid Networking
    • Route 53

    Module 11: Serverless Architecture

    • Amazon API Gateway
    • Amazon SQS, Amazon SNS
    • Amazon Kinesis Data Streams & Kinesis Firehose
    • Step Functions
    • Compare Amazon SQS to Amazon MQ
    • Hands-on Lab: Build a Serverless Architecture

    Module 12: Edge Services

    • Amazon CloudFront
    • AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF), DDoS and Firewall Manager
    • Compare AWS Global Accelerator and Amazon CloudFront
    • AWS Outposts
    • Hands-On Lab: Configure an Amazon CloudFront Distribution with an Amazon S3 Origin

    Module 13: Backup and Recovery

    • Planning for Disaster Recovery
    • AWS Backup
    • Recovery Strategies

    Job Assistance program

    Your intent to master next level skills are appreciated


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    Career Course

    Frequently Asked Questions


  • A web developer is more concerned with functionality and features of a website, and versed in the programming languages required to create them. Web developers will still need to understand the aesthetics and art direction of the site as they implement features.
  • A web designer will create the logos, graphics, and layout that determine the look and feel of a website. Web designers will use software like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator to create these materials. A web designer with a knowledge of code can help him/her better communicate with the web developer.
  • A developer with skills in both development and design is extremely valuable, and could make for a great PM (project manager) on any web project.
  • It takes more than an awesome portfolio to score a full-time web developer position at a company. You can do the work well, but can you work well with the company?

    Here’s what hiring managers are looking for:

  • The skillset. You’ll need to have a great grasp of the programming languages and frameworks to get around in your job (see above). Smart companies are looking to continually improve their processes, which means the code you’re using will constantly be changing. You’ll need to keep up.
  • Willingness to keep learning. Don’t be stuck in the way you’ve always done things. The industry moves at an exponential rate, so web developers need to be on the cutting edge of all web technology. Plus, your knowledge will give more ability to teach others on your team.
  • Ability to solve problems. All developers solve problems every day. A great web developer knows how to figure out the direction the solution to a problem needs to take.
  • Be flexible. Some web developers might consider their code a work of art and might not want to mess with it. But modern websites are always changing. You’ll always want to improve upon what you previously built. Listen to others and get input. There are infinite solutions. Another team member might find a solution you would have never thought of.
  • Excellent communication skills. Sometimes you won’t be able to solve a problem. This is where the ability to speak up comes in. You’ll have to communicate what the problem is to your team and why it can’t be solved. Or if you feel the need to pivot in direction, you’ll need to let others know why.
  • Ability to get stuff done. You’ll be working with clients as a web developer, so that means you’ll have deadlines (since they will). You might fall into multiple problems, which could cause projects to become delayed – and you’ll need the ability to power through them all, even when you’re ready to give up.
  • Time management ability. This is important for the same reason as the above point. Your team may work in SCRUM and have sprints every week, or have some other project management system in place. But it’s still on you to prioritize the multitude of tasks you need to do to help your team meet its goal.
  • A web developer is a programmer who makes websites, and apps for the World Wide Web. A web developer builds a website from the bottom up, developing everything from layout to functions and features on the page.
  • A good web developer can make almost anything happen on a website, and can build custom code to accommodate the needs of their client. Web developers have an intricate understanding of various programming languages and how they’re used.
  • A web developer might work at one organization as a permanent full-time employee, or work as an independent consultant. A web developer salary depends on what kind of work you’re involved in, your location, experience and level of seniority.
  • You don’t need a university degree to be a web developer, or any programmer for that matter. But it certainly doesn’t hurt. Universities offer more structure and a smoother learning experience than teaching yourself everything. But costs of attending a university could be a blocker for many.
  • There is a tremendous wealth of web developer knowledge you can glean from a simple Google search. Forums like StackOverflow have huge communities of web developers ready to answer any question. But it couldn’t be called the most time-efficient way to become a web developer.
  • Attend a coding bootcamp. A coding bootcamp is a technical training program that enables beginning developers to focus on the most important (and employable) aspects of web development. Bootcamps are a more cost-effective way to get valuable education, and span anywhere from six weeks to two years.
  • Learn online. Any developer will tell you that putting your new coding skills into practice as you learn is the most efficient way to learn. Educative’s frontend web development learning path is the ideal place to start. The path covers the foundations of web dev with hands-on practice. By the end, you’ll be ready to apply to jobs and build powerful sites.